Along with expanding and creating job opportunities, corporate social responsibility is also really important to Mellow Mood Hotels. After helping and supporting the Madarász Street Children’s Hospital, the people who were harmed from the toxic red mud flood in Devecser and accommodating homeless people in Budapest, the hotel group now supports the work of the Szemem Fénye Foundation.
It was always important for Mellow Mood Hotels to stand by a noble cause and try to help those who are in need of help. With the mobilization of resources, the hotel group was able to help in more cases which left the people involved grateful. After helping with the renovation of Madarász Street Children’s Hospital and contributing to the improvement of accommodation for the homeless in Budapest, the hotel group donated 1 million Ft and sent several trucks filled with bathroom equipment for those people, whose houses were destroyed by the red mud flood in Devecser, to build new homes.
The management of Mellow Mood Hotels always considered the fate of ill children a very important cause, that is why the hotel group and the Szemen Fénye Foundation formed a co-operation. This co-operation meant, that in the 13 hotels located in Budapest that belong to the hotel group (from hostel up to 5 star category), a money-box, provided by the foundation, was placed in the hotels in which the guests and staff could place their donations. There was an announcement on both sides of the money box, where people could read about the case either in Hungarian or English.
With Christmas approaching the problem regarding gifts came up. During this period most companies thank their partners for the joint work and surprise them with some little gifts, Mellow Mood Hotels did so too. But this year the management of the hotel group decided not to spend the money on gifts, instead to donate 3 million Ft, to the Szemen Fénye Foundation. This way the hotel group can support the provision for the ill children and to operate the Dóri House.
With tireless work the Szemem Fénye Foundation strives on the field of children’s hospice. The Dóri House was established as a result of their work, which is Hungary’s first children’s hospice house. This house also hosts and takes care of family members of the ill kids. The house in maintained by the donations, therefore every single forint is important for them. This is the reason why Mellow Mood Hotels think that it is important to stand by this noble cause.